Sex Bots hit the BIG SCREEN

Sex Bots hit the BIG SCREEN as Sci-Fi Erotic Series Future Darkly releases

“The Aura Doll”

Robot Sex Dolls Now Appearing In PORN as Unusual “Sci-Fi TV Erotica Series” Airs Online

A New 18+ “Sci-Fi TV Erotica Series” is airing online and featuring Sex-Bots!

The new series called Future Darkly has been described as an “adult version of Black Mirror” and plays scenes containing unusual futuristic scenarios which include a planet abundant with randy robot companions.

All episodes contain a unique sci-fi story, and the number 1 episode, titled ‘The Aura Doll’ features robot sex doll relationship of the future.

The unique episode delivers a story about a young female named Becca, who partners up with a much older man named Robert who is looking for an erotic threesome.

Instead of inviting another lady (or man) to his little “party”, Robert desides to bring his “special girl” Harper.

The Aura Doll Future Darkly Dirty Knights Sex Dolls 2

Harper, we discover excitedly, is a “blonde haired, curvy and life sized sex doll robot” similar to the ultra-realistic sex dolls sold at Dirty Knights Sex Dolls ( ).

“I believe we are one of the first mainstream porn companies to shoot a threesome scene featuring a synthetic woman,” spoke Bree Mills, a porn star turned director and director of the episode. “We’ve certainly been floored by the overwhelmingly positive reception to this scene, which I believe is one of the first in mainstream porn to feature a full sexual encounter with a silicone woman.”

She continued, “I am strongly considering developing a series of shorts that is just devoted to sex with dolls because, when shot in an artistic way, it is actually quite erotic and beautiful. Something different.”

Bree Mills was inspired by “real-life doll owners” to create scenes on what sex doll companionship is made up of, to give people a real representation of what is possible.

“I’m not sure if this will mark a turning point in the future of porn overall, but it certainly shows an area of interest that will likely grow as AI and robots do,” Mills told a ‘The Sun’ reporter doing an interview with her.

The Aura Doll Future Darkly Dirty Knights Sex Dolls 1

“Synthetic relationships are traditionally seen as being very taboo but, as technology, sexual discourse, and the digital age advances, it is becoming an increasingly hot topic.”

Future Darkly will air its new season between February and July 2019 and will feature 6 episodes to be streamed on “Adult Time” which is an 18+ streaming service similar to the more mainstream Netflix.

Sex Dolls and their developing partner sex robots are increasing their popularity in the adult world. And for more information or to purchase a doll for yourself or someone you know, visit

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